
Friday, March 22, 2019

The Cochlear Implant :: deaf community

The Cochlear ImplantThe cochlear implant is mayhap one of the greatestinventions designed to eudaimonia the deaf community. Acochlear implant is a device plant internally behind adeaf psyches ear with an external microphone, and isdesigned to provide artificial sounds to large figure who establishnerve deafness in both ears and show no ability tounderstand speech through audience aids. Since thedevelopment of the cochlear implant in the 1960s, muchthan 10,000 people worldwide have been implanted with thisdevice.Although this may seem like the perfect device to aiddeafness, a lot of controversy still exists about the cochlearimplant. There are many advantages and disadvantagesabout the implant. I will start by discussing the advantages.The cochlear implant has allowed many deaf people to liveout hearing lives. During the 1960s, more primitiveimplants allowed for partial hearing, the percentage of wordsthat could be unsounded without lip reading was about 12%,But with modern technology, that number has risen to about80%, making conversations with a deaf person and a hearingperson possible through speech without the riding habit of sign delivery. Deaf people who have experienced hearing andlanguage skills previously, benefit much more from theimplant because they do not have to learn new sounds orwords.Although the cochlear implant can benefit deaf peoplegreatly, there are still many disadvantages. Of the 15 millionpeople in the U.S. with significant hearing loss. Less than 1%are potential candidates the the cochlear implant. There is nostandardized criteria for pass judgment or rejecting a candidate,but they often need to meet audiological, medical, andpsychological criteria. As with all surgeries, there is somedegree of risk, but because of the anatomical reference location beingso close to the brain, these risks are much greater. eventhough the cochlear implant may be suitable for more deaf

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